First Published 2.5.2018
Winter has passed and the weather this spring is so unpredictable. One minute the sun is shining and the next its raining and cold, and at times the rain and cold seems to last longer. A lot like life really, as we continue our journey, we don’t know what is coming up next and although we may think we have everything all planned out, sometimes it just doesn’t turn out that way and at times like these ATTITUDE is everything! A Positive Mental Attitude! And that’s what we teach at our Positive Parties workshops.
The past few months have been busy delivering, as always in a variety of sectors, including Bryson Care, Food Standards Agency and Enagh Youth Forum, just to name a few.
In all our Positive Parties workshop delivery, the main topics we cover are:-
Positive Mental Attitude
Productivity & Motivation
Brain training tools
Positive Self belief & High Self esteem
Work or School/Life balance
Stress busters & Self-awareness
Building rapport
The importance of self-care, relaxation, laughter & FUN
Food Standards Agency Staff
Feedback is always excellent. Thanks to all the Food Standards Agency staff for their positive participation & all the laughter during their Positive Parties team building workshop in April. The team had attended a Treasure Hunt at Queens in the morning and came back to the office to a surprise of a Positive Party in the afternoon.
We were delighted with the fantastic feedback. They all liked the positivity tools, the laughter, the learning, moving about, prizes, party bags and the FUN! And it’s always great to have answers to the evaluation form question ‘What would you change about the workshop?…… “Make it longer.” “It would be good to try the whole day.” “More time.”
Thanks again for having Positive Parties as part of your Away Day.
#Teambuilding #PositiveMentalAttitude #PositiveMentalHealth
WELCOME to Rachel L Bird, coach, actress, professional speaker, fabulous facilitator and a new leader & asset to the Positive Parties ‘Training With a Difference’ Team.
Rachel visited PPHQ in February for ‘in house’ training, plus has been ‘out on the job’ observing Positive Parties ‘in action’ and co-facilitating for her new role.
She had already been thrown in at the deep end, presenting at a conference for Positive Parties in November and did an amazing job.
Rachel is a women of many talents, so she’ll be doing some marketing too for PP. She may give you a call!
Wishing Rachel good luck & positive vibes. Delighted to have her come onboard.
Last but not least, Positive Parties has expanded and we have a new business venture called Positive Dancing. This new website is a breakaway from Positive Parties @Dance. This Positive Dancing brand will focus totally on training, coaching and resources to assist in the positive mindset and attitude of all Irish Dancers, Irish Dancing Schools and Teachers and a support for Irish Dancers parents too.
For further information on Positive Parties workshop for your staff team, pupils or communities or to book a one to one or Positive Dancing workhop , call Denise on 0044 7790793130 or PPHQ on 0044 2871517320. We look forward to hearing from you.