Positive Parties®    



Special circumstances require positive answers and creative solutions!

To enable you to enjoy the positive benefits of our training even now, in times of change, we have created Positive Parties® @Online!

In moments of change the key to solutions lies in our attitude. Are we Winnie the Pooh or Eeyore,  an optimist or a pesimist? Our PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) determnies how we think and feel………positive thinking and positive behaviour is crucial. This is where creativity, motivation and above all new ways of development and solutions are created.

As we still ride this wave of uncertianity in the world, when people are separated from each other, work in a “home office” or even worry about their social & professional existence, we want to give you the opportunity to stay positive and motivated.

Team spirit, positivity and fun are the anchor for your company, family or community to come together and overcome all difficulties together.

For this reason we have created Positive Parties® @Online for you!

With motivating interactive exercises and above all feelings of fun, participants will learn tools, techniques and ideas that they can use to stay upbeat, energised and help keep their creative juices flowing.


””@Online for Companies/Organisatiosn, an exclusive session for your team allows you to open the doors for them connecting in a fun way, team spirit and motivation.

Happy people are healthier – physically, emotionally, and mentally.

In times of constant change and ever new challenges, the key to sustainable happiness lies in positive thinking and acting, that has to be learned!

In a company or a community, the entire togetherness is shaped by the awareness of each individual team member.

Sometimes even a small thing is enough to shake our motivation and satisfaction and this can have an impact on all life situations of a person, professionally, privately and above all health.

Most of the time we don’t have the right knowledge and tools to find out what is good for us in order to bring us back into balance.

With Positive Parties @Online as a workshop for your team, we use techniques from the areas of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and Positive Psychology to bring your team members to know how they can be more positive, happier and, above all, more fun and enjoy being able to shape your internal communication and the common togetherness.

Here are some positives of booking a Positive Parties® online session for your team:


1. Cultivation of a positive mindset in the team
2. Positive mental health as part of your Work Wellness Strategy 
3. Sustainable increase in productivity & motivation
4. Increased self-confidence & increased self-esteem
5. Improved work-life balance
6. Supports stress reduction and stress prevention
7. Contributes to building positive connections in the team
8. Self-care, relaxation, laughter & fun are the new pluses in your leadership and development!

 We have 2 Online Workshop  – ‘Happiness Reloaded’ AND ‘Accessing YOUR Positivity Palette’

Duration – ‘Accessing YOUR Positivity Palette’  online workshops are 90mins – 2 hours and run over 4 weekly sessions.
Numbers – A minimum of 8 people.

Format – The 90mins – 2 hour Online ‘interactive’ Workshops, with home exercises between session. And, the opportunity for ‘follow on’ workshops or ‘one to one’ Positivity Coaching, by request of organization to keep up the momentum, positivity and optimism at these times.

Our ‘Accessing YOUR Positivity Palette’
online workshops are based on research from Positive Psychologist Dr Barbara Fredrickson.
We deliver NLP(Neuro Linguistic Programming) and CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and positive pyschology interactive exercises to enhance positivity and optimism during these times of uncertainty.

These sessions are informative, inspiring, interactive and fun. They are delivered in 4 sessions or a one off workshop.

Happiness Reloaed is a one off session and does what it says on the tin! 


These workshops are all delivered using NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) tools & techniques, which your staff are sure to retain as they associate this workshop with laughter & fun.

We will discuss how important it is to have a positive attitude especailly during times of change, to be happy, productive and creative andhave fun and how to overcome stressful situations and challenges.

Contact Us for your

 Positive Parties® @Online !


© 2010-2020 Positive Parties

Positive Parties®   ist eine eingetragene Marke.