Positive Parties®    @DANCE

For the past few years Positive Parties have become involved in the world of Irish dancing and Positive Parties Founder/CEO Denise Devlin has had the privilege of working with the successful McConomy-Bradley School of Irish Dancing in Derry, including delivering coaching sessions to Brogan McCay & Cyra Taylorr before ‘The Worlds’.


All the information you need for Positive Dancing is on the New WEBSITE.

Due to her work with Scoil Rince McConomy-Bradley, the word has spread and Denise has had Irish dancers from all over Ireland come for one to one coaching sessions and group session before ‘The Worlds’ and other Championships.

So how does Positive Parties help the dancers?

Denise works with these young people either in a One to One Positive ‘Dance’ Coaching session and/or a Positive Parties @Dance workshop were the team are all taught NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) & CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) tools and techniques, in a fun way, of how to be and stay positive and focused on the lead up to and during Feiseanna, Nationals & ‘The Worlds.’

In the world of Irish Dancing, with nerves, negative energies from other people, the stress of competitiveness, etc, Denise calmly and in a fun way teaches the young people from 7 to 21, to:-

  • Have a maintain a positive mental attitude
  • Anchor the good feelings from their last big win
  • Relax & positively focus before going on stage
  • Be the best Irish dancers they can be
  • Enjoy the process and have FUN
  • Have confidence, high self esteem and self belief
  • Remember WHY they dance, because they LOVE it.

These young people are DANCING because they LOVE it!  That’s the  start, the rest is about their POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE to their dancing. That  is why  Positive Parties @Dance workshops or one to one sessions can  help!


People LOVE Positive Parties®

Our dance school has been working with Denise for some time now.  Positive Parties @Dance, (now Positive Dancing),  has given our dancers so much confidence and more belief in themselves!  Denise has travelled to London to do a workshop, which was very impressive as always!

Bernadette Trainor TCRG  ADCRG
Trainor School of Irish Dancing, London

Hi Denise, thank you so much for everything. You have been like my fairy godmother – you have helped us find the missing piece of the jigsaw by helping to instil the confidence & self belief back into my dancers. ‘You definitely are the icing on he cake’. Many thanks again Denise..

Linda Martyn TCRG  ADCRG   Linda Martyn School Of Dance

Denise, I would just like to say a great big thank you for doing the Positive Parties @Dance workshop before The Worlds and to let you know that the way the kids are now is just fab, they think they are the best and are now dancing the best they ever could many thanks to you.

Rosetta McConomy Bradley TCRG  ADCRG

McConomy Bradley Doherty Academy

Would highly reccomend Denise. We’ve worked with Denise for our dancers and she’s been fantastic in teaching positive mindset tools and techniques which make such a difference to the dancers

Yvonne Lowry TCRG ADCRN

Carolan School Of Irish Dancing

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Positive Parties®   is registered trademark.