Positive Parties®    @WORK


Bored with the same old team building stuff? Want to motivate your staff or just have a fun session where everyone can laugh, play games and gain new tools at the same time?

Positive Parties @Work allow CEO’s. HR Managers. Managers, Employers the luxury of giving their staff the opportunity to learn new techniques and tools to be more positive, productive. motivated and have a work-life balance,  while acknowledging their need for light heartedness and and fun. Check out the video testimonial below from Scott Alexander, Training & Development Manager, Legal-Island.


The methodologies – NO Powerpoint! 

These workshops are all delivered using NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and CBT(Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) tools & techniques, which your staff are sure to retain as they associate this workshop with laughter & fun. Positive Parties is unique in that the learning is ‘party style’ and the interactive games provide such a different way for people to become associated to thinking ‘outside the box’ and getting out of their ‘comfort zones’. The music, games, prizes and party bags all create the fun party atmosphere where inspiration, motivation & transformation can begin.

We discuss the importance of enjoying work, being productive & creative and  having fun as well as how to deal with busyness that stresses that can occur working in any organisation.

Learning outcomes for your staff

They will:

  • Learn how to anchor a positive experience/memory.
  • Learn valuable tips on how reduce stress and be happy
  • Learn how to use affirmations and visualisation to achieve work/life balance
  • Learn how maintain positive mental health throughout their lives using the KISS (Keep It So Simple) Tools.
  • Learn how to get rid of negative thinking using the Vicious Circle and the Positive Parties ‘worm and hammer’ method.
  • Learn how to use fun brain techniques to shift negative thinking patterns reoccurring.
  • Learn tools on how to be mindful and aware.
  • Be made aware of how their attitude is crucial to making them a positive or negative person. It’s all about CHOICE and how they perceive the world.

What we cover is:

  • Positive Mental Attitude
  • Positive Mental Health
  • Productivity
  • Motivation
  • Positive Self belief  & High Self esteem
  • Work/Life balance
  • Stress busters
  • Self Awareness
  • Mindfulness
  • The importance of self care, relaxation, laughter & FUN 

Employees will be having so much merriment and enjoying the fun, laughter & learning of it all they will be more inclined to remember these tools rather than in a more formal seminar type setting. No one has time to go ‘nod off’ or become bored or distracted at a Positive Parties @Work because there is too much going on!!

Like what? Well that would be telling but it involves, music, games, group work , teams and hilarity. Positive Parties @Work are amusing, entertaining, enjoyable and full of fun. And this is a fact because people talk about this training for weeks, months and years later.

The qualified NLP Practitioner delivering a Positive Parties @Work is also a facilitator and formally trained in dealing with the dynamics of groups.


People LOVE Positive Parties®

I really liked all the activities and learned about how to stay positive and anchor a positive memory to use when need be. I wouldn’t change a thing about this workshop. It was brilliant and I would recommend it to others.

I loved the laughing and learned that it is good to get together as a team and laugh and I learned new tools and techniques on how to be and stay positive too.

I found the Positive Party not just a great learning opportunity but also a lot of fun. I had two people joining the team at the time and it was a great way to integrate them into the existing group. All members of our diverse team thoroughly enjoyed it and felt that it led them to examine and question how they respond to events that occur. A very enjoyable and worthwhile team building event with lots of emotional intelligence development activities thrown in.  

Mary Howick, VP of HR, Pramerica

Positive Parties really changed the vibes here of the staff of Knockavoe School. We had our session after Christmas, staff were feeling a bit flat and this really recharged our batteries made everyone realise how they can make a difference with their lives and get positive results. The team were  re-energised, happier and this had a knock on effect with the students and parents as a principal I recommend Positive Parties to other schools.

Martina McComish, Principal, Knockavoe School

Many thanks Denise for this intriguing and imaginative training event, “Positive Party” – it was excellent.  It gave me a lot of food for thought, and I came away feeling so positive about my work and myself, as did most of the group.

© 2010-2020 Positive Parties

Positive Parties®   is registered trademark.